Hydrangea Bouquet


andcrafted with care, this beautiful bouquet features two blue hydrangeas, two fuschia roses, and three white lilies, all meticulously handmade from felt. Additionally, it includes two sprays of greenery for added freshness and vibrancy. Whether displayed in a vase or used as a decorative accent, this bouquet adds a touch of elegance to any room. Priced at €35.00, it’s a best seller that’s sure to delight.

Product Features:

  • Floral Variety: Contains two blue hydrangeas, two fuschia roses, and three white lilies.
  • Handmade: Meticulously crafted from felt for a lifelike appearance.
  • Greenery: Includes two sprays of greenery for added freshness.
  • Size: Each stalk is approximately 30cm long, trimmable to your desired length.
  • Lead Time: Ready for delivery in 1-2 weeks.

Transform your space with our Hydrangea Bouquet! Whether adorning your living room, dining table, or office desk, this exquisite arrangement brings beauty and charm to any environment. Order now and add a touch of floral elegance to your home!

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